
Products Search: Crimpers

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Brand: Viega
JE82137pdf Adapters Viega PEX Crimp adapter Crimp MPT Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG Zero Lead ½
Catalog ID: JE82137
Brand: Viega
WR82146pdf PEX Crimp Viega PEX Crimp outlet box Crimp Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG Zero
Catalog ID: WR82146
Brand: Viega
TV82136pdf PEX Crimp Viega PEX Crimp 90 ° elbow Crimp FPT Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG
Catalog ID: TV82136
Brand: Viega
HP82145pdf Viega PEX Crimp l av adapter Crimp Lav Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG - PolyAlloy ½ 0
Catalog ID: HP82145
Brand: Viega
AA82139pdf Viega PEX Crimp stop valve Crimp CTS Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG Angled ¼ 0
Catalog ID: AA82139
OG40091pdf wwwgreenleecom ® Gator Plus Terminal Crimping Tool Vo Totally new hydraulic pump design results in an extremely compact , ic battery - powered crimping tool for crimping terminals and VDV connectors e Linear
Catalog ID: OG40091
Brand: Viega
WK82144pdf PEX Crimp Manifolds Viega PEX Crimp manifold - Only use with lock clip Part No 58075 - PolyAlloy
Catalog ID: WK82144
Brand: Viega
EQ82138pdf PEX Crimp Couplings Viega PEX Crimp coupling Crimp1 Crimp2 Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG Zero
Catalog ID: EQ82138
DO40196pdf wwwgreenleecom ® Kwik Cycle 9 " Crimp Tool for Fiber Optic Connectors Vo Used to manually crimp a wide variety of connectors and terminals ic to factory
Catalog ID: DO40196
Brand: Viega
KQ82141pdf Viega PEX Crimp supply adapter Crimp Supply Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG Zero Lead ¾
Catalog ID: KQ82141
for corrosion resistance BNC taCoNNeCtors reCommeNDeD DatooL DesCrIPtIoN strIPPer CrImPer CoNNeCtor tyPe CaBLe tyPe qUaNtIty Cat No UPC No Cat No UPC No Cat No UPC No ice BNC Crimp Plug RG58 thinnet PVC 5 / Pack 45730 45730 45577 45577
Catalog ID: OH40094
HA40090pdf wwwgreenleecom Telephone Ratchet Crimper o Combination tool terminates 8 - position , 6 - position and 45575 only ) modular style idplugs No need to change crimping dies V Full - cycle ratchet mechanism provides consistent , â
Catalog ID: HA40090
Brand: Viega
OF82140pdf PEX Crimp Viega ManaBloc distribution manifold - Crimp connection - Combination port sizes , color coded ports for hot and
Catalog ID: OF82140
Brand: Viega
LJ78474pdf PEX Crimp 32 105 EN_US_2014_V2 indb 105 2 / 7 / 2014 12 : 16 : 29 AM PEX Crimp Offering the reliability and quality needed for potable water systems
Catalog ID: LJ78474
ic F - styLe CoNNeCtors e reCommeNDeD tooL DesCrIPtIoN strIPPer CrImPer Da CoNNeCtor tyPe CaBLe tyPe qUaNtIty Cat No UPC No 45576 45576 10 / Pack 45734 45734 â?? F â?? Connector Crimp RG59 46801 46801 o 45578 45578 50 / Pack 45748 45748
Catalog ID: RG40093
Kwik Cycle 9 " Interchangeable Die Sets for Coaxial Connectors eo CrImP ProFILe Cat UPC Cat UPC id DesCrIPtIoN & DImeNsIoNs No No No No V CeNter tooL CaBLe tyPe CoNNeCtIoN BraID CrImP CoNtaCt WIth DIe DIe oNLy a 45562 45562 t RG58
Catalog ID: TB40190
CO40148pdf wwwgreenleecom Crimping / Stripping Combination Tool Ha Two die positions permit the KP1022 to crimp both insulated and n uninsulated terminals and splices d â
Catalog ID: CO40148
Brand: Viega
HA82150pdf PEX Crimp Multi - clip max d Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG 12 / 16 / 2015 11 : 45 : 46 PM HA82150 Industrial Fittings and Valves, Inc Viega catalog HA82150
Catalog ID: HA82150
Brand: Viega
RL82148pdf PEX Crimp Ferrule CTS OD Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG 12 / 16 / 2015 11 : 45 : 42 PM RL82148 Industrial Fittings and Valves, Inc Viega catalog RL82148
Catalog ID: RL82148
Brand: Viega
JH82134pdf PEX Crimp ViegaPEX Ultra tubing d L [ ft ] Version Wt [ lb ] Quantity 12 / 16 / 2015 11 : 45 : 13 PM JH82134 Industrial Fittings and Valves, Inc Viega catalog JH82134
Catalog ID: JH82134
Brand: Viega
GQ82142pdf PEX Crimp Viega ManaBloc l ock - in nut CTS Wt [ lb ] Quantity 12 / 16 / 2015 11 : 45 : 28 PM GQ82142 Industrial Fittings and Valves, Inc Viega catalog GQ82142
Catalog ID: GQ82142
46022 46022 66 Style Punchdown Blade 45575 45575 Telephone Ratchet Crimper for 4 - , 6 - and 8 - position Modular Plugs AT8 08693 2 - Level Coax Cartridge ® 46801 46801 Kwik Cycle 9 " Crimp Frame with Die Set for F - style Connectors on RG6
Catalog ID: LN40108
GG40199pdf wwwgreenleecom CUTTiNG , sTriPPiNG AND CriMPiNG TOOls ols Pro Wire Strippers To Strips the outer 06lbs ( 03 kg ) 9 = new producT wwwgreenleecom Stripping / Crimping Combination Tool ls Pliers ' nose avoids having to switch
Catalog ID: GG40199
RG6 , RG59 , RG7 , RG11 ® 46801 46801 Kwik Cycle 9 " Crimp Frame with Die Set for F - style Connectors on RG6 45516 45516 F Connector Insertion Tool 45323 45323 F - style Crimp - on Connectors for Quad - shield RG6 ( Qty
Catalog ID: DP40106
Brand: Calrad
Catalog ID: US70389
Brand: Viega
JE82137pdf Adapters Viega PEX Crimp adapter Crimp MPT Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG Zero Lead ½
Catalog ID: JE82137
Brand: Viega
WR82146pdf PEX Crimp Viega PEX Crimp outlet box Crimp Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG Zero
Catalog ID: WR82146
Brand: Viega
TV82136pdf PEX Crimp Viega PEX Crimp 90 ° elbow Crimp FPT Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG
Catalog ID: TV82136
Brand: Viega
HP82145pdf Viega PEX Crimp l av adapter Crimp Lav Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG - PolyAlloy ½ 0
Catalog ID: HP82145
Brand: Viega
AA82139pdf Viega PEX Crimp stop valve Crimp CTS Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG Angled ¼ 0
Catalog ID: AA82139
Brand: Dewalt
DWCAT19_1_36pdf 20V MAX CABLE CRIMPING TOOLS Dieless Cable Crimping Tool Kit Died Cable Crimping Tool Kit SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS Voltage
Catalog ID: BG91327
Brand: Viega
WK82144pdf PEX Crimp Manifolds Viega PEX Crimp manifold - Only use with lock clip Part No 58075 - PolyAlloy
Catalog ID: WK82144
FORCE LOGIC M18 FORCE LOGIC M18 FORCE LOGIC 6T Utility Crimper Kits 6T Pistol Utility Crimper Kits 600 MCM Crimper Kit 750 MCM Dieless Crimper Kit
Catalog ID: FD102826
OG40091pdf wwwgreenleecom ® Gator Plus Terminal Crimping Tool Vo Totally new hydraulic pump design results in an extremely compact , ic battery - powered crimping tool for crimping terminals and VDV connectors e Linear
Catalog ID: OG40091
Brand: Viega
EQ82138pdf PEX Crimp Couplings Viega PEX Crimp coupling Crimp1 Crimp2 Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG Zero
Catalog ID: EQ82138
Brand: Viega
KQ82141pdf Viega PEX Crimp supply adapter Crimp Supply Wt [ lb ] Quantity Part No DG Zero Lead ¾
Catalog ID: KQ82141
DO40196pdf wwwgreenleecom ® Kwik Cycle 9 " Crimp Tool for Fiber Optic Connectors Vo Used to manually crimp a wide variety of connectors and terminals ic to factory
Catalog ID: DO40196
Catalog ID: BF102803
Brand: Ridgid
RIDGID_2020__Catalog_English_1218_V9_LR_163_4_-_Copypdf ELECTRICAL Interchangeable Crimp Heads EachInterchangeableHeadiscompatiblewiththeexclusiveQuickChangeSystem andoffers360degreeheadrotationforincreased maneuverabilityintotightspaces 4PIN DIELESS CRIMP HEAD The4PINDielessCrimpHeadisclassifiedtoUL1976forcopperconnectorsand wirefrom 8AWGto750kcmil MCM andaluminumconnectorsandwirefrom 8AWGto500kcmil MCM Eliminatetheriskoflosingdiesorcrimpingwithmismatcheddies Weight
Catalog ID: UF93920
Brand: Viega
LJ78474pdf PEX Crimp 32 105 EN_US_2014_V2 indb 105 2 / 7 / 2014 12 : 16 : 29 AM PEX Crimp Offering the reliability and quality needed for potable water systems
Catalog ID: LJ78474
Brand: Viega
OF82140pdf PEX Crimp Viega ManaBloc distribution manifold - Crimp connection - Combination port sizes , color coded ports for hot and
Catalog ID: OF82140
HA40090pdf wwwgreenleecom Telephone Ratchet Crimper o Combination tool terminates 8 - position , 6 - position and 45575 only ) modular style idplugs No need to change crimping dies V Full - cycle ratchet mechanism provides consistent , â
Catalog ID: HA40090
Brand: Ridgid
RIDGID_2020__Catalog_English_1218_V9_LR_163_7_-_Copypdf ELECTRICAL Manual Hydraulic Crimp Tools RE 12 - M MANUAL HYDRAULIC CRIMP TOOL Introducingtheworld slightestandeasiest - to - use12TonManualHydraulicCrimpToolfeaturingthe patent - pendingRIDGID RapidAdvanceSystem Lightest12Tontoolonthemarket formoreportabilityandeaseofuse
Catalog ID: HR93923
Brand: Ridgid
RIDGID_2020__Catalog_English_1218_V9_LR_163_8_-_Copypdf ELECTRICAL Crimping Dies Ridgiddieshaveafullyclosinghexcrimpprofileandareclearlymarkedwithcolorcodestoeasilymatchwithproperlug 12 TON CRIMPING DIES CatalogNo Description CatalogNo Description 12TCopperRoundDieSet 12T Aluminum Round Die
Catalog ID: VT93924
Brand: RLS
Use the gauge Prep Before You Press Verify the finished crimp band diameter To confirm that the press cycle was by using the RLS crimp gauge Find the completed properly an RLS witness proper size
Catalog ID: FA107017
CO40148pdf wwwgreenleecom Crimping / Stripping Combination Tool Ha Two die positions permit the KP1022 to crimp both insulated and n uninsulated terminals and splices d â
Catalog ID: CO40148
Brand: Calrad
Ivory Designer 75 - 736 - W 75 - 735 - W 2 - piece crimp Dual F - 81 Connectors Combo wall plate Satellite , TV wall 513 " F " connector with F - 59 connector with 2 - piece crimp F - 56 Connector " F " push - on plug F - 56 Connector
Catalog ID: FT70399
M18 FORCE LOGIC 2 " 3 " M18 FORCE LOGIC w / PEX Crimp Jaws Kit ProPEX Expansion Tool Kit Pipe Threader Long Throw REDLITHIUM HIGH OUTPUT XC80 All Kits Include : 3 PEX Crimp Jaws 1 / 2 " 3 / 4 " 1 " Carrying Case Expans
Catalog ID: VE102835
Results: 1 to 25 out of 245
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