Products Search: Cable Cutters
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Brand: Ridgid
RIDGID_2020__Catalog_English_1218_V9_LR_163_9_-_Copypdf ELECTRICAL Ratcheting & Manual Cable Cutters RATCHETING AND MANUAL CABLE CUTTERS RIDGID RatchetingandManualCableCuttersarehavealight - weightandcompactdesign andaremadewithhighqualitybladesthatoffermaximumdurabilityandlongestlifetime RATCHET
Catalog ID: WF93925
Brand: Ridgid
CableDiameter 8 " 10mm Operation ManualorDrillPowered Applications Urinals & ShowerDrains CutterHeadType " C " Cutter Weight CatalogNo ModelNo Description lb kg 46683 K - 1 CombinationAuger
wrappedInnerCoreCable Large ergonomicallydesignedhandles Negotiatewater - conservingtoilets Weight Replac CatalogNo ModelNo Description Cables lb kg 59787 K - 3 3 ' 1 m Toilet Auger
Catalog ID: TP93936
Brand: Ridgid
ToiletAugerw / BulbHead 56 25 6 60362 K - 6P Cable ReplacementCable 55 25 - K - 6P XL TOILET AUGER
1 " OD 05 022 59628 K - 6PXLC - Cutter C - Cutter 1 " OD 05 022 60362
Catalog ID: DC93937
Brand: Ridgid
handleheightduringtransport CableControlSystem causesthedrumtostopspinningwhentheblade becomeslodgedinablockage limitspotentialforcabletoflip - overinthe drumandhelpsindicatetooperatorwhenblockagesareencountered 3 1 " SolidCore Cable usestough 8 " 10mm or 2 " 12mm Integral Wound IW solidcorecablethatisruggedandkinkresistant
Gloves & Std Equipment : C - 32IW / 8 " x75 ' 10mmx23m SolidCore IntegralWound Cable 52363 K - 400withC - 32IW 115 68 310 T - 260ToolSet
Catalog ID: WK93940
Brand: Ridgid
RIDGID_2020__Catalog_English_1218_V9_LR_213_12_-_Copypdf DRAIN CLEANING Cables Weight Catalog ModelNo Description No lb kg 1 1 50647
204 C Cutter1 " 25mm 54832 3 63005 T - 205 C Cutter 1 8 " 35mm 97835 63010 T - 206 Funnel Auger 3
Catalog ID: QS93929
Brand: Ridgid
Theperfect all - aroundsink showerandfloordrainmachine Weighslessthan40lbs 18kg 5 Usessectionsof / 8 " 16mm cable cleans1 " to4 " 32mmto110mm linesupto100feet 1 C - 8bestfor1 / 4 " to3 " 32mmto75mm
K - 50Machine 58960 K - 50 - 4 Machine with A - 30 Cable Kit 115 61 277 A - 17 - A DrumAdapterincludes : 25
Catalog ID: QQ93942
Brand: Ridgid
4 " 32mm JawSet Machinewith StandardEquipment includes : Ten SectionsOf C - 14 Cable Total150 ' 457m ThreeA - 8CableCarriers A - 1Left - HandRIDGID K - 1500G
Retrieving Auger T - 8 GreaseCutter T - 13SawtoothCutter T - 50 Sharktooth Cutter A - 17ManholeGuidePipe Adjusts7 ' to12 ' supportscables locks intoplacequickly ModelK - 1500GwithC - 14shownabove
Catalog ID: PM93947
Brand: Ridgid
5 1 Optionalsinkdrumholdsupto50 ' 15m of / 16 " 8mm or / 4 " 6mm cable TOATTACHTOOL 3 1 Idealforcleaningthrough / 4 " 20mm to1 / 2 " 40mm sinktraps
Machine with Std Equip : C - 31 / 8 " x50 ' 10mmx152m Cable T - 202Bulb 53112 115 65 292 withC - 31 Auger
Catalog ID: PD93952
Brand: Ridgid
RIDGID_2020__Catalog_English_1218_V9_LR_227_2_-_Copypdf DRAIN CLEANING Cables Weight Catalog ModelNo Description No lb kg 3 87577 C
C - 33IW / 8 10 mm x 100 ' 30 m IW Cable 34 154 3 3 / 8 " 10mm IWCable 05
Catalog ID: KH93945
Brand: Ridgid
RIDGID_2020__Catalog_English_1218_V9_LR_213_14_-_Copypdf DRAIN CLEANING Cables Weight Catalog ModelNo Description No lb kg 1 1 50647
204 C Cutter1 " 25mm 54832 3 63005 T - 205 C Cutter 1 8 " 35mm 97835 63010 T - 206 Funnel Auger 3
Catalog ID: KF93931
Brand: Ridgid
RIDGID_2020__Catalog_English_1218_V9_LR_163_12_-_Copypdf ELECTRICAL Cable Trimmers NO 87ACSRCABLETRIMMER RIDGID Model87ACSRCableTrimmerforfast accuratecablesplicepreparation Trims85sizesofACSRcablefrom8AWGto1 780 000circularmils C
Description lb kg 54135 87 ACSR CableTrimmer includes Bushing Holder Cutter andCarrying Case 9 43 54270 E - 4695 CutterWheel 1
Catalog ID: IU93917
Brand: Ridgid
34 - 12RearGuideHose Plus : B - Frame 23702 SevenSections1 " 32mm C - 14 Cable Total105Feet TwoA - 8Cable 115 Carriers Nine - Piece1 " ToolSet Machine with
Hose Plus : K - 1500A 23712 SevenSections1 " 32 mm C - 11 Cable Total105Feet TwoA - 8Cable 115 256 1161 Carriers Nine - Piece1
Catalog ID: IN93944
Brand: Ridgid
Lines upto200 61m DrumCapacity 100 ' 305m of5 / 8 " 16mm cable Weight Machine & 100 305m ofCable 180lbs 816kg Size
16mmx305m Inner Machine StandardAccessoriesand 95732 K - 6200withC - 24 Core Cable 5 / 8 " 16mm Pigtail & StandardAccessories 98 445 95737 K
Catalog ID: IF93956
Brand: Ridgid
x305m IWSolid Core 83557 K - 750R 194 980 Cable 2 " 3 " 4 " C Cutters P - TrapCutter SpadeBlade Tool Box Gloves StandardEquipment CatalogNo 83557 Description
Catalog ID: AH93941
Brand: Milwaukee Electric
TM M18 FORCE LOGIC M18 FORCE LOGIC M18 FORCE LOGIC Cable Cutter Kit 3 " Underground 15T Crimper Kit w / 750 MCM Cu
Catalog ID: NB102829
Vendor: Bonnin Electronics, Inc.
Brand: Greenlee Textron
MU40155pdf wwwgreenleecom Cable Cutter ls Easily cuts heavier copper and aluminum cables up
Catalog ID: MU40155
Brand: Ridgid
RIDGID_2020__Catalog_English_1218_V9_LR_163_9_-_Copypdf ELECTRICAL Ratcheting & Manual Cable Cutters RATCHETING AND MANUAL CABLE CUTTERS RIDGID RatchetingandManualCableCuttersarehavealight - weightandcompactdesign andaremadewithhighqualitybladesthatoffermaximumdurabilityandlongestlifetime RATCHET
Catalog ID: WF93925
Vendor: Bonnin Electronics, Inc.
Brand: Greenlee Textron
VW40188pdf wwwgreenleecom Kwik Stripper Flat Telephone Cable Cutter / Stripper o Designed to cut and strip flat modular
Catalog ID: VW40188
Brand: Dewalt
Ah Strokes / Min 0 - 2450 spm DCS494M2 and Charger Minimum Cutting Radius 5 " Capacity in Steel 14 GA Tool Weight Tool
DCS496B Voltage 20V MAX Strokes / Min 0 - 2450 spm Minimum Cutting Radius 1 " Capacity in Steel 18 GA Tool Weight Tool
Catalog ID: QD91326
Vendor: Bonnin Electronics, Inc.
Brand: Greenlee Textron
Conductor ideCutter Precisely trims the center conductor of coaxial cable to a standard V length of 3 / 16 " ( 5 mm
Cat No UPC No DDesCrIPtIoN 45481 45481 Center Conductor Cutter oice sPeCIFICatIoNs Stamped from high - carbon tool steel V Rust
Catalog ID: VI40086
Vendor: Interport Trading Corporation
Brand: W.S. Darley
top - quality industrial - grade hand tools built to deliver Metal Cutting Saw - 16 " blade 1 1 years of dependable service The kit features Sandvik 8 4 Aircraft Cable Cutter - cuts / " to / " capacity and 14 " long ; cuts E â
Catalog ID: KM30851
Brand: Milwaukee Electric
2X MORE CUTS 2X CRIMPING FORCE IRON - CARBIDE EDGE Wire Cutter Reaming Head Comfort Grips Will not peel Comfort Grips Will
Ironworker s Pliers 48 - 22 - 6103 Crimping Pliers Insulated Terminals Cutting Rebar Ties CABLE CUTTING PLIERS PVC / OIL FILTER PLIERS CLEAN
Catalog ID: BF102803
Vendor: Technical Distributors
Brand: Duro Dyne
or equipment iNCLUDES : 1 Roll of 3 / 32 â?? â?? Cable 100 CL12 Cable Locks 1 Custom Cable Counter Lid and Bucket 1 Cable
Catalog ID: MQ48133
Vendor: Engineered Products Co.
Brand: The VMC Group
Seismic Bracing Systems Tools for purchase include : spools of Loos cable seismic bracing hand swager battery operated seismic bracing hand swager cable cutters die - sets and oval sleeves FEATURES & BENEFITS Loos brande
Catalog ID: QT99142
Results: 1 to 25 out of 299
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