
Products Search: Atmospheric Science Instruments

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of the height of a liquid statistical ability of the instrument to repeat the column Inches of water or millimeters of This is comparable to AMETEK s stated base percentage for instrument repeatability 11 Gauge Versus Absolute Pressure 13 Units
Catalog ID: BS106594
in whereas molecules predominantly scatter short wavelengths and overhead the atmospheric depth / thickness is at a minimum clouds and ice in plane of the Earth around Technology research Reference solar monitoring instruments at a plant provide the is about 5 770 Kelvin
Catalog ID: SC103935
often used as the maintenance free and designed for reference instrument for a network of lower continuous outdoor use All instruments performance net radiometers For the CNR1 a heated have a
Catalog ID: GW103926
Brand: Tuttnauer
opening until chamber Stainless steel door with mirror pressure reaches atmospheric pressure polish surface is highly resistant to corrosion 3 Control 20 25 - 28 30 - 33 30 - 33 Unwrapped 134 Unwrapped instruments 134 3 1 min min min min 21 - 24 27
Catalog ID: OI108862
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